When something has a real buzz about it similar to this it must mean there's something to it, but it is sometimes challenging to find the facts in amongst all the fiction.
All this hype can lead to a lot of mis-information. What is even worse is we now have some preposterous claims being tossed around about subliminal audio:
That it is Instantaneous
That you don't need to take any further action yourself; i.e. that they are completely effortless
You can learn a Japanese while you sleep
That it is possible to seduce someone without them knowing
These statements are totally not realistic, they are exaggerations at best, and total lies (usually marketing hype from unethical companies wanting your money) at worst.
It is a shame there is so much wrong information out there as If used with an open mind, and with grounded targets then subliminal messaging can actually provide several amazing benefits, and even change your life for the better.
The crucial word here being HELP. The above crazy claims all have something in common - they claim subliminal audio will do all of it for you - this couldn't be further from the truth. It is just a tool to assist you. It will help you reach your goals, refocus your brain and provide you with a thrust in the proper direction nonetheless it won't do it all on it's own.To give an actual example It will boost your self motivation but won't completely change your belief on something instantaneously, it will even help you to save money, however it won't happen instantaneously.
It isn't rocket science, it is simple really - the subliminal statements little by little enter your unconscious mind to sculpt your thoughts, patterns of thinking, and self beliefs. Over time the messages build up and arrange your unconscious mind to your goals and desires and supply you with the best chance of succeeding.
One source that I have used regularly is SubliminalMP3s. They are a very widely trusted source of subliminal audio who have been making subliminals for over 4 years now - predating all of these outrageous claims, overestimations, and obvious absurdity. They offer reliable, proven subliminal audio, and the best thing is that they give away 3 free albums and an eBook which exposes more of these wild claims, and gives a more down to earth view on how subliminal messages actually work, and how you can use them to improve your life..
Download 3 FREE subliminal albums and free eBook "The Truth About Subliminal Messages", Here:
CLICK HERE to Download 3 Subliminal Albums in MP3 Format and Exclusive Subliminal Messaging eBook for FREE